Facebook Comment Box Plugin for CS Cart

I’m trying to implement Facebook Comment Box in CS-Cart to use as individual product page comment tabs.

I was able to accomplish this on Wordpress and all the other site, but not on CS-Cart. I mean it works, but all the products have same comment box. But I need a unique comment box for each products.

In order to use this feature, it requires a Unique ID (XID).

So I thought the following script would work, but it doesn’t.

<fb:comments width=“560” xid=“{$seo_url}” title="{$page_title}"url=“野外亲子乱子伦长篇小说,亚洲av无码久久精品,美女全婐体无遮挡胸罩,坐公交忘穿内裤被挺进小说 canpost=“true” candelete=“false”></fb:comments>

In Wordpress I use the following and it works.

<fb:comments width=“560” xid=“<?php the_ID(); ?>” title=“<?php the_title(); ?>” url=“<?php the_permalink(); ?>” canpost=“true” candelete=“false”></fb:comments>

Can anyone tell me what I can substitute xid, title, url script to make this work?


[quote name=‘ProsForPros’]I’m trying to implement Facebook Comment Box in CS-Cart to use as individual product page comment tabs.

I was able to accomplish this on Wordpress and all the other site, but not on CS-Cart. I mean it works, but all the products have same comment box. But I need a unique comment box for each products.

In order to use this feature, it requires a Unique ID (XID).

So I thought the following script would work, but it doesn’t.

xid=“[COLOR=Red]{$seo_url.href}[/COLOR]” title="{$page_title}"url=“http://audreyshops.com[COLOR=Red]{$seo_url.href}[/COLOR]” canpost=“true” candelete=“false”>

In Wordpress I use the following and it works.

xid=“” title=“” url=“” canpost=“true” candelete=“false”>

Can anyone tell me what I can substitute xid, title, url script to make this work?


Try that

Unfortunately that didn’t work either. All I get is a blank tab when I use that code. Any other suggestions? I would love to try all kinds of combination to make it work!


i’ve tried and its not working.

is it possible to do this on cs-cart?

Have a look at this url: [url]http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/[/url]

it might help


Tried it and the code generated with the link John gave works like a charm.

Hello everyone!

Has anyone been able to find a way to get the rest of the URL to display after https://yoursite.com/ (i.e; category-name/seo-name) ?

[color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=3]<fb:comments width=“560” [/size][/font][/color]xid=“[color=red]{$seo_url.href}[/color]” title="{$page_title}"url=“http://audreyshops.com[color=red]{$seo_url.href}[/color]”

(Is not working )

Thanks in advance! :)