Catalog Page Numbers on top - Help Please!


I want catalog page numbers on top in v2.1.2 (this is only on bottom for v2.1.2)

Please look attach images for understanding.



I still waiting help.

Please help me…

The best way would be to go to ‘Design > Design mode > Enable Customization Mode’, then open the ‘blocks/list_templates/products_list.tpl’, finde the code:

{if !$no_pagination}
{include file="common_templates/pagination.tpl"}
copy and paste it somewhere on the top. The code

{if !$no_pagination}
{include file="common_templates/pagination.tpl"}
is currently there in the original file (on the top and bottom) but it shows the pagination only at the bottom. I don’t know why, I guess the code have to be a little bit altered.

```php {* $Id: products_list.tpl 10729 2010-09-28 11:57:49Z alexions $ *}

{if $products}

{script src=“js/exceptions.js”}

[COLOR=Red]{if !$no_pagination}

{include file=“common_templates/pagination.tpl”}


{if !$no_sorting}

{include file=“views/products/components/sorting.tpl”}


{foreach from=$products item=product key=key name=“products”}

{capture name=“capt_options_vs_qty”}{/capture}

{hook name=“products:product_block”}

{assign var=“obj_id” value=$product.product_id}

{assign var=“obj_id_prefix” value=“$obj_prefix``$product.product_id”}

{include file=“common_templates/product_data.tpl” product=$product min_qty=true}

{assign var="form_open" value="form_open_`$obj_id`"}
{if $bulk_addition}


{if $js_product_var}

{if $item_number == "Y"}{$smarty.foreach.products.iteration}. {/if}
{assign var="name" value="name_$obj_id"}{$smarty.capture.$name}
{assign var="sku" value="sku_$obj_id"}{$smarty.capture.$sku}

{assign var="add_to_cart" value="add_to_cart_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="old_price" value="old_price_`$obj_id`"}
{if $smarty.capture.$old_price|trim}{$smarty.capture.$old_price} {/if}

{assign var="price" value="price_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="clean_price" value="clean_price_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="list_discount" value="list_discount_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="discount_label" value="discount_label_`$obj_id`"}

{if $settings.Appearance.in_stock_field == "N"}
{assign var="product_amount" value="product_amount_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="product_features" value="product_features_`$obj_id`"}{$smarty.capture.$product_features}

{assign var="prod_descr" value="prod_descr_`$obj_id`"}{$smarty.capture.$prod_descr}

{if $settings.Appearance.in_stock_field == "Y"}
{assign var="product_amount" value="product_amount_`$obj_id`"}

{if !$smarty.capture.capt_options_vs_qty}
{assign var="product_options" value="product_options_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="qty" value="qty_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="advanced_options" value="advanced_options_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="min_qty" value="min_qty_`$obj_id`"}

{assign var="product_edp" value="product_edp_`$obj_id`"}

{if $bulk_addition}

{assign var="form_close" value="form_close_`$obj_id`"}

{if !$smarty.foreach.products.last}


{if $bulk_addition}


[B][COLOR=Red]{if !$no_pagination}
{include file="common_templates/pagination.tpl"}


{capture name="mainbox_title"}{$title}{/capture} ```

OMG! It’s working…

Thank you so much…

(I did add this code again to bottom after adding to top)

Thank you… Thank you!!!

I’m glad I could help.

I’m glad I could help.

This thread will help for somebody but I want to tell this…

This is doesn’t work if your “AJAX(Javascript)-based pagination” is active. You have to close it.

Hi all. You can tick "[color=#5F5F5F][font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana,]Display the “Pagination section” on the top of the listed object" [/font][/color][color=#5F5F5F][font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana,]in Setting / [/font][/color]Appearance. And Pagination show on top and bottom !