Product Image Viewer on Customer Page

Hi everyone, I had the CS-Cart team develop me a custom add-on that allows me to add products to projects. As part of this development, they created a basic summary page (addons/projects/views/projects/view.tpl) that allows a customer to view products within a project.

What I would like to do is display the typical product image browser (the same module from the product details page which shows the larger image, and thumbnails of the alternate product images) on this summary page. Does anyone know how to pull this off?

Right now the image code looks like this:

	<div class="product-image"><br />
		<a href="{$index_script}?dispatch=products.view&product_id={$product.product_id}&combination={$product.product_options_combination}"><br />
		{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" image_width=200 obj_id=$key images=$product.main_pair object_type="product"}</a><br />
	<br />
```<p><a href="">image001109.jpg</a></p>