Warning: character softhyphen is missing

Every time the system generates a PDF file, my error_log fills up with loads of errors like these:

[04-Nov-2010 15:32:24] Warning: character u009C is missing

[04-Nov-2010 15:32:24] Warning: character u009D is missing

[04-Nov-2010 15:32:24] Warning: character u009E is missing

[04-Nov-2010 15:32:24] Warning: character u009F is missing

[04-Nov-2010 15:32:24] Warning: character nonbreakingspace is missing

[04-Nov-2010 15:32:24] Warning: character softhyphen is missing

I believe the error is caused by html2pdf an external tool found under the “lib” directory. Some people speculate that the errors originate from the “.afm” font metrics and that if we delete those files the errors go away.

Anyone noticed something similar?

Have same issue but no experience with the PDF generator used… Very interested in outcome though…

The PDF generator used by cs-cart is this one (which in turn uses fpdf underneath):


There is a new development version if someone feels brave enough to try.

I had to make some changes to the default config, because it doesn’t embed fonts. This is ok for English, but for Greek it fails and the result is an empty PDF.

I am NOT brave enough to enter worlds where I don’t belong! :slight_smile:

[quote name=‘tbirnseth’]I am NOT brave enough to enter worlds where I don’t belong! :-)[/quote]

Kala Christos Anesti

Anyone find a solution to this? I am getting hundreds of these a day:

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character u009D is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character u009E is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character u009F is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character nonbreakingspace is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character softhyphen is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character u0000 is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlSTX is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlSOT is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlETX is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlEOT is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlENQ is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlACK is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlBEL is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlBS is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlHT is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlLF is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlVT is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlFF is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlCR is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlSO is missing

[20-Nov-2010 12:31:51] Warning: character controlSI is missing

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I have the same issue… :confused:

It’s bugs in the htmltopdf library they use. It should be reported through the bugtracker. It is related to no having the requested available within the library that match the html.

I know this is an old thread but I just wanted to post for others whom are experiencing the “Warning: missing character” issues.

I have confirmed that removing all files that have an extension of “.afm” In /lib/html2pdf/fonts/ solves the issue.