Multiple pricing schemes

In “CS-Cart Professional v.2.1.0 reference guide” section “4.9. User groups” written that “Besides, groups enable you to introduce multiple pricing schemes into the store”. Unfortunately I can not find the way how can I do this :frowning:

Suggest me please how can I implement for example next three User Groups:

  • retail (0% discount or 50% extra charge from base price)
  • wholesale (20% discount or 30% extra charge from base price)
  • partners (40% discount or 10% extra charge from base price)

First you need to setup different user groups that represent the discount rate. Add the specific users to the group.

Under catalog setup “Promotions”. New promo for your user discounts, setup conditions user grounp = discount group. Then setup “bonuses” to the discount rate.

hope this helps

mhulbrock: thank you for your description, it is short and clear :!: I will use it.