Quick Search - Show Category Names

Just wondering if there’s a way to also search and display the Category Names which matches the key words?

This will fix my problem which is -

  1. People enter the the printer brand and model as keywords to search
  2. CSCart brings up the cartridges (products) which contain one of the entered keywords in the result page which has more than 20 items
  3. People need to look carefully one by one and click next page then even couldn’t find the product they want.

    If the system search the category names as well, then the matching categories are showing up at the top of the result page, so the customer can easily click on the link to see the products.

    Have been searching around in the forum but couldn’t even get something close.

    Any help will be appreciated.


I don’t think that the cart is settup to display category names from the search, you may need to code that in.

Better yet, try to optimise the descriptions for the products.

Interesting they didn’t add “Search words” to the categories. Probably wouldn’t be that hard to mod.?

It would be messy

It would be really nice to be able to search for categories in the backend. We have a bunch of Cats & subcats, and scrolling through the list each time is a drag.

I do believe this feature is useful especially for the products link ink-cartridges and toners. There are some many different models and products, and the original and compatible ones…

Don’t know if the developer are going to make this a default option.

By the way, any hints on how to CODE it myself? I am actually not a coder to do so by myself.

Thanks for replying and appreciate for any further hints.