Need coupon code help!!!!

Okay, who knows the correct way for a coupon to be generated where the customer enters it in the box then hits apply? I can make a coupon with no issues but it automatically gives it to all customers when they log in.

Right now I am running a 5% discount for new customers and only want it to work when they enter it in the coupon box and hit apply. Come on, someone help me out with this one.

There is currently no way to specify just new customers. There is a feature request in the Bug Tracker requesting this (initial order):


Other than that, you can get what you want. In Catalog->Promotions, set up a cart promotion with conditions as follows:

Coupon code equal

Once per customer

Set your bonus to the 5% discount.

That should work.


Not just for new customers, just for customers who know the code. I am putting it in their orders and only they will know the code when they get their packages. Dose that make sense now?

Hello, sounds as if you simply need to change the coupon status to “Hidden”.

This way the promotion is hidden from public view, however, any of your customers which you have selectively provided the coupon code to can apply it & receive the discount. :wink:

Thanks but all I get now is “there is no such code”

Did you set up your coupon as I described above?

[QUOTE]Other than that, you can get what you want. In Catalog->Promotions, set up a cart promotion with conditions as follows:

Coupon code equal

Once per customer[/QUOTE]

This works for me.

As Struck suggested, making the coupon status ‘Hidden’ will prevent it from displaying on the promotions page.


Got it my good friends. I had it set to use once per customer and I had already used it myself. We good!