Sales Tax Display

I was going through the checkout process today to make sure everything is ok and I noticed that the sales tax shows up in a very wierd way. It does not include it in the total, but it does.

I have added sales tax to all of my products so it charges the order correctly, but I don’t know what I can do to get it to display correctly.

Just to clarify, the sales tax is added into the product.

Any ideas?




This happens because you have your UT tax set up with “Price includes tax” checked - this is used for taxes like VAT and effectively lowers your product price. In the US, we charge tax on top of the product value rather than including it in the price so just uncheck this setting.

If for want the prices displayed with taxes, you can check the following in Design->Appearance settings:

Display prices with taxes on category/product pages

Display prices with taxes on cart/checkout pages


Thanks for the reply.

I did the following:

  1. I removed taxes from all products.
  2. I unchecked “Prices include Taxes” option
  3. I checked where I wanted taxes to show in Settings: Appearance.

    and now sales tax doesn’t show up at all.

    Any suggestions?






You need to put the taxes back on the products that need to be taxed.


I almost got it.

  1. I added the taxes back to the products (how else are you going to charge tax?).
  2. I only selected the field to “Estimate taxes using default address on cart/checkout pages”.
  3. Now it doesn’t include taxes in the price.

    But it still shows:

    Subtotal: $9.95

    Shipping cost: $0.74


    UT Tax (6.75%): $0.67

    Total cost:$11.36

    Why does it have Taxes and UT Tax listed? And Taxes has nothing next to it.




The invoices are not laid out really well but here are some examples:

“Taxes:” is like a header in case there is more than one tax charged.

  1. I think in Canada, there can be both GST and PST or something like that.
  2. You need to charge sales tax and an “Environmental Fee” on some products.


That makes sense. I am glad that I got the tax settings where it should be.


In order to resolve it you need to replace the following part of code:

{if $order_info.taxes}

  • {$lang.taxes}:

  • with this one:

    {if $order_info.taxes}

  • {$lang.taxes}:

  • *}

    in the “/httpdocs/skins/basic/admin/views/orders/details.tpl” file.

    This is for the users view ^


    Here is the Admin view comming

    In order to resolve this problem you need to replace the following part of code:

    {if $order_info.taxes}


    with this one:

    {if $order_info.taxes}


    in the “/skins/cars/mail/orders/invoice.tpl” file.

    and also replace the following part of code:

    {if $order_info.taxes}


    with this one:

    {if $order_info.taxes}


    in the “/skins/cars/customer/views/orders/details.tpl” file.

    Hope this helps


    Think i mixed both of this up with my text. but what ever

    Just change this info here and your get this TAX away