Additional images not displaying in order...


I am adding Additional images to a product. I have deleted the previous ones and trying to add new images… image1, image2, image3, image4 and image5. But they are not displaying in order either ascending or descending. They are displaying like… image 3, image4, image 2, image1 and image 5.

Any help?


same issue here.

I’ve had the same issue.


Any help???

Need the ability to order extra images!!! Lost Feature for years.

May be anybody knows how make them to be ordered…

The Additional Images are Taken by the function


which is in core/fn_images.php

Add extra filed to order the resulted data.

such as Order By Pair_id, Image_id etc




Same problem here, this aint working right,

Try to replace in core/fn.images.php the code

$pair_data = db_get_hash_array("SELECT pair_id, image_id, detailed_id FROM ?:$table WHERE object_id = ?i AND object_type = ?s AND type = ?s ?p", 'pair_id', $object_id, $object_type, $pair_type, $cond);


$pair_data = db_get_hash_array("SELECT pair_id, image_id, detailed_id FROM ?:$table WHERE object_id = ?i AND object_type = ?s AND type = ?s ?p ORDER BY pair_id", 'pair_id', $object_id, $object_type, $pair_type, $cond);

This will force to sort additional images by their pair id, i.e. how they are uploaded.

Hi All

I’m trying to sort this at the moment, is there a way to sort the images without editing the core??

Really is a big hole this, I have 4 important product shots and 6 of optional bits and bats and they have swamped the main images

Anyone have any ideas?

