Hopefully easy

I have a website that when i search the keyword, the www.keyword.com is not ranked as number 1… and this is an issue, I need a little help if anyone can help me… that’d be terrific. Also any other suggestions could help. This is for both my shop and my main web site.

thanks in advance

SEO questions can be challenging to answer especially when looking for results based on one keyword. It would be helpful to see the site, but keep in mind if it is a new site, it may not listed in search engine results for several months. And there is no garauntee or quick and easy answer to help get seen on the first page of the results let alone #1.

The first thing to do is read everything you can about search engine recommendations from reputable sources:

[url]Search Console Help

[url]Search Console Help

try a search for keyword.com and you wll be #1