www problem... Please help

Hi i have a site which i have the seo mod turned on. all seems to work well apart from 1 thing.

Its not using the www. at the start of the URL. so its using “domain.com/store/” instead of “www.domain.com/store/

I need it to have www. because of using the xml sitemap for google.

Can someone help me solve this issue

Ive already used the mod rewrite rule of:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} YourWebsite.com$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ Fastest Web Hosting Services | Buy High Quality Hosting [R=permanent,L]

But this doesnt work… am i not doing it right?



Check your config.php file:

// Host and directory where cs-cart is installed on usual server
$cscart_http_host = '[COLOR="Blue"]www.your_site.com[/COLOR]';
$cscart_http_dir = '';

// Host and directory where cs-cart is installed on secure server
$cscart_https_host = '[COLOR="Blue"]www.your_site.com[/COLOR]';
$cscart_https_dir = '';