Who Uses Ebay With Cs Cart

Just wondering who is currently selling on ebay as well as in cscart.i would like to be able to list a few items from the store easily on ebay by exporting but I can't see any way to easily do this.

Any recommendations would be great.

Not sure if it would be possible or easy

We sell on multiple auction sites as well as our own via cs cart

To keep track we've created a database using filemaker

This can export from the database in the correct excel fields for each site we use

Every site has it's own version of excel fields and ebay uses a lot more than most.

Until filemaker it was a separate spreadsheet for each site

In this forum ebay is mentioned and desired for couple of years now. Developer team instead of creating powerful marketing tools runs cosmetic changes.Personally I prefer ugly admin panel with more features to make sales.

Darius I am hearing you there brother regarding the ugly admin panel, it used to be quick glance I knew how many sales we made that day that week that month that year , not anymore , now i have to mess about :(

and yeah how many other big cart platforms hook straight into ebay promises promises promises , dont they see eBay slooking to take an even bigger market share of the ever growing ecommerce market and carts that can hook in will be the fist choice for more and more users?

I am thinking about a so called open source (cough) Magnetcrapo or something like that , come Cs Cart please please for the love of god deliver the ability to hook into eBay .

Cant do it ??? pay me