View Total With Primary Currency In Checkout Page

My primary currency is JPY and I want show total with primary currency in checkout page when i use secondary currency to view. I want change .tpl file to view this. Can anyone help?

Do you know about the Settings → General → Alternative currency display format → Show prices in default and selected currencies setting?


[quote]My primary currency is JPY and I want show total with primary currency in checkout page when i use secondary currency to view. I want change .tpl file to view this. Can anyone help? [/quote]

please check file design\themes\THEME\templates\views\checkout\components\checkout_totals.tpl

this template is used on other pages as well so if you need change for cart page only, please use the following condition:

{if $location == "cart"}
{* your code *}

p.s. don't forget to clean up template cache after changes.

best regards,

WSA team

thank you all. this was a great help. :)

You are welcome!