View Cart Page SLOW

Hello -

I am using CS-Cart 3.x - for some reason if some one click on view cart it takes some serious time to load that page - any one know why it takes forever to load when it comes to VIEW cart page.

any one

Your site URL is…?

Have you got SSL set up for cart/checkout/profile pages only?

SSL is fine I don't see any option to enable or disable ssl from view cart page

What I am asking for is…

Does your product page go from http:// > click add to cart > view cart page is https ?

Yes it goes to https when click on view cart

https might be slow for your ISP.

Thanks but that's not the case we are using nginx with reverse proxy and with backed cache our page speed and load time is 0.8s I even tried modifying

fn_redirect with this codeif(!(CONTROLLER=='checkout'&&MODE=='cart')){

fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.https_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url'));


I don't see anything change so the issue remain thanks I have contacted cs-cart as issue is only with view cart