View Cart Button Disappeared In V4.4.3?

When adding products to cart, pop up only gives option buttons to continue shopping or checkout.

It used to have the View Cart button as well (in older version). I just upgraded from v4.3.4. I know customer can click on the cart button that I have located at my top right screen, but it was just more convenient to have the View Cart button available as product was added to cart.

Other than this issue for me, the upgrade is nice.

When adding products to cart, pop up only gives option buttons to continue shopping or checkout.

It used to have the View Cart button as well (in older version). I just upgraded from v4.3.4. I know customer can click on the cart button that I have located at my top right screen, but it was just more convenient to have the View Cart button available as product was added to cart.

Other than this issue for me, the upgrade is nice.

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cart button is essential

responsive / templates / views / checkout / components / product_notification.tpl


{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_text=__("continue_shopping") but_meta="ty-btn__secondary cm-notification-close"}


{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_text=__("view_cart") but_meta="ty-btn__secondary" but_href="checkout.cart"}

responsive / templates / views / checkout / components / product_notification.tpl


{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_text=__("continue_shopping") but_meta="ty-btn__secondary cm-notification-close"}


{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_text=__("view_cart") but_meta="ty-btn__secondary" but_href="checkout.cart"}

Thanks for the responce.

How can I add it between the the two buttons?

I've tested to have continue, view cart and checkout, 3 buttons but then in responsive view they do not fit to screen nicely.

Thanks for the responce.

How can I add it between the the two buttons?

I've tested to have continue, view cart and checkout, 3 buttons but then in responsive view they do not fit to screen nicely.


Thanks anyway, I will be happy with 2 buttons.

Thanks again.

I tried what you suggested and it did not work.

v4.4.3 ?

I tried what you suggested and it did not work.
v4.4.3 ?

Did you clear cache?

Did you clear cache?

Yes I &cc&ctpl

Look at the date/time of the files in /var/cache/. If they have an older date/time than when you &cc&ctpl, then it didn't work and you need to manually delete them. If they did get deleted then you have another issue.

Look at the date/time of the files in /var/cache/. If they have an older date/time than when you &cc&ctpl, then it didn't work and you need to manually delete them. If they did get deleted then you have another issue.

It must be something else.

It must be something else.

PM me temporary FTP access, we will check