V4 Reviews

First off, I want to say GREAT JOB to the CS Cart team. I’ve done the migration of our data from 2.2.4 pro over to 4.0.3 and the whole thing was great. I’m really pleased to see all of the data intact. So thank you! :-)

One question though, when viewing a product on the category page, it always says; “reviews 4” - even if there are dozens of reviews. It seems that the review post count being conducted is only of the first page, and not the total number of reviews for the product. Is this a bug?

Also, one little quirk that I fixed, the Captcha image was HUGE - it measured 935px × 398px - which happened to be the size of my homepage banners on the old 2.2.4 site (a paid add-on from Webgraphiq) - so somehow this information got fed to the captcha image size instead.




Your reviews issue is another bug… We are also experiencing it… What we want to know is when do we expect V4.0.4 ?

With all the bugs we are finding and posting in the bug tracker another release has to be soon…

Thanks for confirming that. I should've checked out the bug tracker…