Using Productid In Csv Product Upload

Here is what I ended up doing to "cheat"...

Edited the exim controller on both the import and export sides to point the Min_Qty field to the Product_ID in the database.

Since I don't use minimum qty, it was simple, without having to make any other major changes and it worked.

Keep in mind, I am purging all of the product before each import.


did you find any solution here?

also this code :

'import_process_data' => array(
'unset_product_id' => array(
'function' => 'fn_import_unset_product_id',
'args' => array('$object'),
'import_only' => true,

already exist in 4.5.2 version

but when i import products still getting new id

is there any solution please??

is very important!

al 'import_process_data' => array(
'unset_product_id' => array(
'function' => 'fn_import_unset_product_id',
'args' => array('$object'),
'import_only' => true,

also this code :

already exist in 4.5.2 version

Yes, this code exists in all 4.x versions. You should delete it and clear cache