Use cart as product database but disable purchasing?


I have a client who is interested in showcasing all his products in a database in cs-cart format, but doesn't want people to be able to buy them, just search and call for prices etc.

For business reasons, he does plan to sell online at sometime in the future (possible few years) but not yet.

Is it possible that CS-cart can operate in this way?



[url=“CS-Cart Documentation — CS-Cart 4.15.x documentation”]CS-Cart Documentation — CS-Cart 4.15.x documentation

should do the trick


Excellent, spot on John :mrgreen:

Would need some minor tweaks, like temporaily removing links from top menu (My Account etc) but would work very well. :-)

I have a similar situation, but a bit more complicated. We want to make only a portion of our product assortment visible but not available for purchase over the web. In our case it is bicycle inventory that is available for in-store purchase only. Due to shipping logistics and the need for interaction with the customer and staff in a physical setting when the bikes are assembled, purchase must be at our brick and mortar. However, we have a great inventory that we want to feature through CS-cart for our regional customers to peruse and draw them in. Any suggestions on how to best handle this?