Upgrading From 4.3.3 To 4.3.9

Yes, as long as you're a single store. But if multi-store you will have to "Manage companies" and set the proper storefront url to match the new location of your test copy. Remember to copy the DB too.

I use a common naming method that helps keep my head straight when referencing multiple sties. I.e. I do the test site as a subdomain (devx.example.com). I then name the DB example_cscart_devx and use the same DB user/pass as the production site.

So config.local.php has




Note that if you have ssl enabled things can get more complicated. I.e. unless you have a wildcard certificate, most hosting will redirect you to the site that the certificate is for. So you may have to edit the test db and do the following queries and modifications.

Search in table cscart_settings_objects for name='secure%'. You should get two entries. Change the 'secure_admin' value to 'N' and the 'secure_storefront' value to 'none'.

Then search for 'keep_https' and make sure the value='N'

Review your .htaccess for any poorly written redirects that might affect your site.

Oh well, that didn't work.

I copied my whole store to a new folder but admin or store wouldn't display.

Tried editing the config.local.php...still no good

Then I realised the same database was going to be used so I deleted the new folder

and had a mild anxiety attack before loading my live store and ( whew ) finding it still there.

I will most likely just make a new database, install 4.3.9 in a new folder, save my money

and get 'someone else' to do the deed.

Here's how I do it.

  1. Backup files (tar or zip) and DB (mysqldump)
  2. create new folder (setup cpanel if using a subdomain).
  3. extract file backup to new folder
  4. remove var/cache and its subdirectories
  5. create new DB in cpanel.
    1. Use same db_user and db_pass.
    2. Assign appropriate prrlivilges
  6. apply mysqldump to new DB
  7. Edit config.local.php to reflect new host(s) (possibly path), db_name, etc.
  8. Go to admin url in new site
    1. Change the url for the companies to be proper for this new site.
  9. Review new storefront(s)

I thought I might try the 'long' way and use export / import but struck a puzzle.

The attached image should clarify.


I thought I might try the 'long' way and use export / import but struck a puzzle.

The attached image should clarify.

URLs depend on the address of your store so if you import them to another installation they simply won't work.

So...safe to simply ignore and not export them and still import full product details and images ?

All clear now. They will just be recreated in new store.

So...before I start...is it possible to export all data and images from 4.3.3

and import them into 4.3.9 ??

So...safe to simply ignore and not export them and still import full product details and images ?

All clear now. They will just be recreated in new store.

So...before I start...is it possible to export all data and images from 4.3.3

and import them into 4.3.9 ??

Sure, the system will ignore all unsupported fields.

Here are the instructions on how to export/import images: http://docs.cs-cart.com/4.3.x/user_guide/manage_products/import_export/product_image_import.html

No wish to offend but did anyone read the second part of my post ?

So...before I start...is it possible to export all data and images ( perhaps I should have stated 'manually' )
from 4.3.3 and import them into 4.3.9 ??

This one is from Ivan regarding 4.3.3 > 4.3.9 manual transfer of data and images.

I'd say that manual upgrades (without Store Import and Upgrade Center) are inadvisable in most cases, because it takes a qualified specialist or developer to predict the consequences and make the necessary adjustments.For example, if the database or folder structure changes between versions, Store Import will take these changes into account. If you upgrade manually, you'd have to make the necessary adjustments yourself.

I am hoping that this is a general comment and that 4.3.3 > 4.3.9 may not be loaded with dire consequences.

I am hoping that this is a general comment and that 4.3.3 > 4.3.9 may not be loaded with dire consequences.

Yes, it is a general comment. Basically, I meant that if you upgrade, you should always check if everything works fine afterwards. Since that applies to Upgrade Center and Store Import upgrades, it applies to manual upgrades even more.

So, if you decide to export your data and images from an old version and then import them to a new one, please consider this:

Any upgrade, development, store_import, or any other significant modification to your store should be done on a test copy first and then have those changes verified before applying the exact same process to your production site.

Thank you Ivan.

Having another go. 4.3.9 installed in separate folder at root.

Just checking which version store import to 'try' to use and noticed...

The add-on can import data from:

  • CS-Cart Professional 2.2.4 - 3.0.6
  • CS-Cart Ultimate 3.0.1 - 4.3.8

My original version was 3.0.6 'Professional' not Ultimate
which was upgraded ( by someone else ) to 4.3.3
Don't know if my current 4.3.3 is Professional or Ultimate
www.mydomain.com/?version just says 4.3.3

Why am I NOT using the Upgrade method ?

Because my current cart became dysfunctional after my host restored

the whole site following an accidental deletion of a major category.

Little things like database backup/restore taking forever to load while

it took only seconds before and the Licensing Mode option missing

from the settings drop down plus a 'crawling' pace now.

I think the host's restoring was responsible. Oh well.

My original version was 3.0.6 'Professional' not Ultimate
which was upgraded ( by someone else ) to 4.3.3
Don't know if my current 4.3.3 is Professional or Ultimate
www.mydomain.com/?version just says 4.3.3

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. In 4.3.x it's just CS-Cart without any editions, so everyone has access to the same functionality. The description should actually look like this:

The add-on can import data from:

  • CS-Cart Professional 2.2.4 - 3.0.6
  • CS-Cart Ultimate 3.0.1 - 3.0.6
  • CS-Cart 4.0.x, 4.1.x, 4.2.x
  • CS-Cart 4.3.x older than the version to which you import the data

I would suggest you either install XAMPP


either create some /dev433/ directory on you server, ask support for 433 install (or maybe you got it), install it under /dev433/

Now backup your live store database and restore in in /dev433/ or in localhost XAMPP server.

Now run update with absolutely not edited or modified store. Surly you will get to few problems while upgrade but all problems are discussed how to pass them.

Having another go. 4.3.9 installed in separate folder at root.

Just checking which version store import to 'try' to use and noticed...

The add-on can import data from:

  • CS-Cart Professional 2.2.4 - 3.0.6
  • CS-Cart Ultimate 3.0.1 - 4.3.8

My original version was 3.0.6 'Professional' not Ultimate
which was upgraded ( by someone else ) to 4.3.3
Don't know if my current 4.3.3 is Professional or Ultimate
www.mydomain.com/?version just says 4.3.3

Why am I NOT using the Upgrade method ?

Because my current cart became dysfunctional after my host restored

the whole site following an accidental deletion of a major category.

Little things like database backup/restore taking forever to load while

it took only seconds before and the Licensing Mode option missing

from the settings drop down plus a 'crawling' pace now.

I think the host's restoring was responsible. Oh well.

Sure you can use store import too, but since you are on shared hosting I do not think this will work for you. As from my experience importing images, cloning and upgading store via store import requires really powerful server and being able adjust timeout setting and more that cannot be done on shared hosting..

This was in an error log.

[28-Nov-2016 08:31:17 Europe/Moscow] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Missing template name <--

thrown in /home/jameshou/public_html/new439/app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php on line 679

The process must be very slow even though reports as finished.

Inside the white rectangle with the blue progress bar full.

Upgrading to 439

439: finished

I am generally observing the images/detail folder and 'some' images

were imported 23 minutes ago ( all with the same time stamp ) and nothing since.

Moving images takes rather long time (if it is store import), also result is not really predictable. To run upgrade faster I had renamed images dir to images_old and made new empty images dir..

This was in an error log.

[28-Nov-2016 08:31:17 Europe/Moscow] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Missing template name <--

thrown in /home/jameshou/public_html/new439/app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php on line 679

The process must be very slow even though reports as finished.

Inside the white rectangle with the blue progress bar full.

Upgrading to 439

439: finished

I am generally observing the images/detail folder and 'some' images

were imported 23 minutes ago ( all with the same time stamp ) and nothing since.

"To run upgrade faster I had renamed images dir to images_old and made new empty images dir."

Might give that a whirl. Better than just sitting here watching nothing happen.

Best laid plans...lol

Just spotted this in all the Store Import logs.

2016-11-28 09:43:22: PHP error occured in /home/jameshou/public_html/new439/app/addons/store_import/Tygh/StoreImport/Ult/F434T435.php at line 234: Undefined index: data
2016-11-28 09:43:22: PHP error occured in /home/jameshou/public_html/new439/app/addons/store_import/Tygh/StoreImport/Ult/F434T435.php at line 384: Undefined index: data
2016-11-28 09:43:22: PHP error occured in /home/jameshou/public_html/new439/app/addons/store_import/Tygh/StoreImport/Ult/F434T435.php at line 384: Undefined index: data

Might have to strip it out, install a fresh copy and get a quote.

New 4.3.9 up and running. I gave up and had enough support credits.

Had to laugh even though it wasn't funny at the time.

Given a link on how to move my store to root.

Move went great but couldn't get into my admin.

CS-Cart instructions said...

12. Do not forget to clean the cache before starting to work with your store.

To clear the cache, open the administration panel and go to Administration → Storage → Clear cache.

Bit tricky when I couldn't log in.

What will be added to these instructions is that you can manually clear cache

by deleting the var/cache folder via cPanel.

I was off and running after that.

Now I have to untangle the layouts which became screwed during Store Import.

The only thing I would have likes, apart from an up and running store, would have been an explanation

as to why they could use Store Import and mine failed miserably each time.