Turn on Reviews for all products??

Any one know how to turn reviews on for all products?

For some reason some of mine have it on and some don’t, I asked cs-cart and they wanted to charge me like $100 so thought I would see if anyone else has had this issue and could give me some ideas or a way to do it fast and cheaper. lol

That’s funny. There should be a way to mass edit the Reviews: value on every product.

You could probably workaround it with a SQL query.

I’m pretty unimpressed with their quotes on very simple things. $100 would equal at least 1-2 hours work. And I doubt it would take that long to figure it out.

I feel generous today:

Change type=‘’ to the corresponding letter of discussion type:

D: Disabled

C: Communication

R: Rating

B: All

Run query in your favorite SQL manager:

UPDATE cscart_discussion SET type=‘B’;

There you just saved $100. :wink:

[quote name=‘Zyles’]I feel generous today:

Change type=‘’ to the corresponding letter of discussion type:

D: Disabled

C: Communication

R: Rating

B: All

Run query in your favorite SQL manager:

UPDATE cscart_discussion SET type=‘B’;

There you just saved $100. ;)[/QUOTE]


Hi Zyles

Very generous :rolleyes: Thank you aswell.

Hmm not it, still not showing up [url]http://www.warpedtoys.com/nitro-circus-4-lock-n-load-p69514.html[/url] and still shows Reviews: as Disabled under the product.

Any other ideas? I am still lost as to where it stores this I could change it if I could find the table. Not sure what that table does or did.

update cscart_discussion_posts t2
set t2.avail = 'Y'
where t2.thread_id IN (select t3.thread_id
from cscart_discussion t3
where t3.type = 'B');

Nope no go there either… plus cscart_discussion_posts looks like it only links thread_id to object_id after someone has made a post. I need to be able to enable this for all my products. I hope everyone is not miss understanding me here. lol

If you got to admin.php?target=products&mode=update&product_id=4&descr_sl=EN&page=1&selected_section=detailed#detailed in your cart it should be it should be your 4th product you added or poduct ID4 if not just look at your products and on the bottom it should say

Reviews: Disabled or Communication or Rating or All that is what I am trying to find in the DB I have looked in every table with more rows than I have products because this should be a under each product you would think but it’s not so I am lost as to how they enable or disable it in the DB. All the above posts seem to be in tables after a post is made so I am so lost…

I think your code was trying to do the same thing but different still looks to be setting Table cscart_discussion type to B but I only have about 20 things in there how could that affect all products? Sorry I am lost, I can read code and db’s in most cases and this one has me lost.lol

my code doesn’t update the type at all…and no your not making any sense, really.

post some screenshots.

If you enable “ALL” for the one product, when you view the product, it shows up and says "No posts found"

Check the demo

[url]Instant Demo - CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Demo Try Free for 15 days

[url]Instant Demo - CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Demo Try Free for 15 days

Ok see the attachment I even put a little arrow and a box around it. lol

You should see this in any product, I want to change that for everyone one of my products from disabled to ALL and you would think it would be a simple change in the DB but it’s no where to be found…

I wish you luck and hope you know where it’s at because I am so LOST still.


[quote name=‘ETInteractive’]If you enable “ALL” for the one product, when you view the product, it shows up and says "No posts found"

Check the demo

[url]Instant Demo - CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Demo Try Free for 15 days

[url]Instant Demo - CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Demo Try Free for 15 days

No the problem is the Reviews are all set to disabled for all my products I want it to be set to all for my products. It works if I turn it on one by one but I have 300+ products I was trying to mass enable this by just changing the table so all my products are set to all not disabled for reviews. I hope that makes sense.

Sorry this is driving me nuts.

Zyles was right…its the Type in cscart_discussions.

the object_id is actually the product number

and object_type = ‘P’ means product

So if you want every product you have to create an entry for every product_id.

1, P, B

2, P, B

etc, etc for every product_id

Oh ok that makes sense kind of now, I was hoping it would be easier. Any easy way to do that now? I guess I could pull my list of product ID’s rather easy from another table.

the issues becomes you already have some set with thread_id’s which then link the reviews to those thread_ids. if your not careful you could corrupt the info you already have.

best bet is to select all product id’s and exclude the object_ids from the discussion table, so you dont make duplicates.

Never mind I got it. :wink:

[quote name=‘vortech’]Never mind I got it. ;)[/QUOTE]

And you got it…how?

[quote name=‘roban’]And you got it…how?[/QUOTE]

Thanks for asking… I was going to say the same thing

Well it was a pain, but here is how I got it to work.

I went and did a export of cscart_products opened it up in excel took everything out but the product_id and in the row before the product ID I pasted this on every line in front of the Product id ( and after it I posted , ‘P’, ‘B’), on every line. Then I exported it as tab in a text file I removed the tab from every link with find and replace in note pad.

So now it should look like

(7, ‘P’, ‘B’),

(8, ‘P’, ‘B’),

(9, ‘P’, ‘B’),

(10, ‘P’, ‘B’); <— make sure you end with the ;

So now I INSERT INTO cscart_discussion (object_id, object_type, type) VALUES and past all the above below it in to sql and off it went and it worked. Kind of a rigged up way to do it but it worked. lol

NOTE if you have some just remove the product ID from the above list other wise it will tell you it’s already there and will kill the code.