Top links

I'm playing with the basic template. How can I change the color of the text top links in the header? I changed the header-helper-container background to black (which matches my logo graphic) so I'd like to change the links to colors that show up better with black background. Thanks!

  1. Actually, in the basic template, I'd like to change the color of all links to be black instead of blue, but I can't seem to figure out where.
  2. I managed to change the text color in the main left side box header, but I can't find where to change the text color in the rest of the box headers.

    Any tips on this would be appreciated, will keep searching in the meantime. Thanks

Figured it out…

in case anyone scrolls past it 20 times like me… :-(

  1. a, a:visited, a:hover, a:active {

    color: #000000;


  2. .sidebox-wrapper .sidebox-title span {

    background: url(‘images/sb_title_right.png’) no-repeat right top;

    padding: 7px 10px 7px 0;

    color: #ffffff;


hi there dotell. Just use a tool like Firebug for Firefox and you will get all the answers you are looking for. You can even change change all that on the fly and see ho it works for you. Then all you have to do is copy the changed code to your css file and you are done.

I was using Firebug, but a few things were a little tricky.

Yes actually you should consider that many rules are nested. I mean div in a div and then rule to work.

And please if some one can also clear this out for me: whenever I put a rule in style.css and doesnt work, if I just copy it over to style.base.css it works fine.!!!


whenever I put a rule in style.css and doesnt work, if I just copy it over to style.base.css it works fine.!!!


Shouldn't. styles.css is loaded after styles.base.css.

The way a skin works is that styles.base.css is common to all skins. Skins use styles.css to modify properties specific to that skin. A site should use a local hooked styles_local.css file for any local site css changes so upgrade independence is achieved.