To buy a product from one catergory you must have bought from another specified category, possibel to do?

To buy a product from one catergory you must have bought from another specified category, possibel to do?

So lets say if you want to buy a product from category X then to be able to checkout you must have added something from category W, E or R?



You could make the “one category” invisible until specific items are in the cart.

What are you going to do for products that are in more than one category?

Remember that categories are simply containers (buckets) for holding groups of products and other categories. So once a product is selected, most of the context of “which category” is lost.

[quote name='tbirnseth' timestamp='1326496278' post='129339']

You could make the “one category” invisible until specific items are in the cart.

What are you going to do for products that are in more than one category?

Remember that categories are simply containers (buckets) for holding groups of products and other categories. So once a product is selected, most of the context of “which category” is lost.



Thanks for reply

Basicaally my problem is that I wish to sell certain products that are very low profit, so I need to force the customer that they also need to buy from another category aswell (high profit goods)

Any ideas on how I could get this sorted?



Try setting up a promotion.

Or you might investigate “required products”. But that's probably too restrictive for what you want to do.

As Barry stated, a promotion listing the categories to earn a discount might be the best approach.