Terms and Conditions

NEVER MIND, it works fine! (please apologize me).

it was:

CS-Cart 2.0.2 RC

"Ask customer to agree with terms & conditions during checkout "

Also if you check this option in admin, it will not work in front office… During checkout, you can place your order also if you will not choose to select it.

I need to know how to ‘link’ to the Terms and Conditions. Does no good to have a customer check-off something without providing access to it first.

I found the CS-Cart KB on creating a TOS link and page, and changed it a bit:

{if $settings.General.agree_terms_conditions == "Y"}

{hook name="checkout:terms_and_conditions"}


I know nothing about coding - just copying and pasting from stuff I found on these forums, so please fix this ‘bandage’ if necessary. I added the {hook} stuff since it was missing from the KB article and after creating a “Terms of Service” Page from the admin, linked to that instead of a crude looking pop-up. A better integrated feature for TOS should really be built-in already since major lawsuits and lost revenue have come from customers suing on the basis of not being ‘forced’ to agree to a TOS.

[COLOR=Red]Whoops forgot to explain the page stuff[/COLOR]!

In the admin create a page, mine is “Terms of Service” and then copy the link under the little yellowish “Preview” box to the right. Paste that into:

Terms and ConditionsAgain, if anyone can improve on this please do because I have no idea what I am doing :slight_smile:

That worked nicely in 2.0.7 fyi.