
I am having a hellofa time with my tax configuration.

I only want to charge tax on the billing address of Florida so I set up the tax. I applied the tax to all products.

The problem is that when an anonymous shopper clicks “add to cart” on any product in my store, the tax is applied, even BEFORE the check out and filling in of address information.

Ive tried and tried to find out how I misconfigured it, but cant seem to figure it out.

Is it me or is it cs cart?

IMO, the tax should not show until someone estimates their “shipping and tax” on the cart page. That is where they put in thier zip code. Not PRIOR to that should it apply taxes to the products.

In my “locations” I have:

Non US locations

United States (all states in the box except Florida)

Florida(US in the list and just Florida in the states box)

Under tax rates :

Non US Locations : 0.000%

United States : 0.000%

Florida : 7.000%

Taxes are applied to all products

HELP (lol)

Have you tried this?

[url]CS-Cart Documentation — CS-Cart 4.15.x documentation

[url]CS-Cart Documentation — CS-Cart 4.15.x documentation

Administration>Settings>General>Default Location>Default State (Leave as un-selected, not defined)

Look at the default location in the admin - Settings: General

I just have United States. I think if you put your state in and it’s Florida, then the taxes will be applied.


I think if you leave the state empty in the default location that you will get the infamous “There are no shipping methods for your location” message at the start of the checkout process. Why the default location is used in checkout, I have no idea.

Usually, taxes are applied against the shipping address, not the billing. Is that something special with Florida?

[QUOTE]I think if you leave the state empty in the default location that you will get the infamous “There are no shipping methods for your location” message at the start of the checkout process.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely Wrong T,

The only reason the default address details should ever be filled in would be for briefly testing shipping methods within the admin panel, or perhaps if someone only had intentions of selling within a specific location…

I will stand corrected… But I’m almost certian someone was reporting they were getting that message after Step 1 for anonymous users and their solution was to enter a valid default location.

You sure for both registered and unregistered checkout using single page checkout?

[QUOTE]You sure for both registered and unregistered checkout using single page checkout?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, absolutely certain on this one. :wink:

I do believe this issue you mention only occurred in Version 2.0.15 while shipping digital downloads, sound familiar? :smiley:

(Sorry “T”, I just could not help myself!) :wink:

Don’t rely on my memory!

Not an issue at all. Correctness of information is far superior to correctness of the poster! My ego’s not that big! :slight_smile: