Sort by Default Please Help!

Currently items are sorted by default from new arrivals to old ones.

I need this order to be in reverse (from old items to new arrivals).

How can I do it?

Thank you.

[quote name=‘alexffire’]Currently items are sorted by default from new arrivals to old ones.

I need this order to be in reverse (from old items to new arrivals).

How can I do it?

Thank you.[/QUOTE]

You can manually set the display order in each category. From within the admin:

  1. Click “Manage Categories”
  2. Find the category you want to sort
  3. In the “Products” column of the category you want to sort, click the numeric link.

    This will show a list of the products in that category (Pull down the Range drop down to “Full list” to see all the products in the category at once).

  4. Enter numbers in the “POS” column to set your desired default sort order
  5. Press “Update”

    -)----- B

    P.S. If you knew this already and were asking how to modify scripts to specify the default sort order… I’m not sure off the top of my head.