Smarty help

Smarty is new to me, trying to mod a string in products_list.tpl

<br />
					{assign var="min_qty" value="min_qty_`$obj_id`"}<br />
```<br />
<br />
I found that this code produces string:<br />
<br />
Minimum quantity for "My Product" is 2.<br />
<br />
Question: Where do I go where these smarty values are applied?<br />
<br />
My goal to make it show:<br />
<br />
Minimum quantity for this product is 2.  (without including the product title)

Well, I traced it to product_data.tpl and changed






{$lang.text_cart_min_qty|replace:“Minimum quantity”:“Minimum purchase quantity”|replace:“"[product]"”:“this product”|replace:“[quantity]”:$product.min_qty}.
