Smarty Error On Upgrading, Help Please...


Unable to load template tygh 'blocks/product_templates/components/product_brand_logo_prepare.tpl' in 'blocks/product_templates/default_template.tpl'

Error at

app/lib/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php, line: 129

CAnnot load product pages. Any help appreciated.

I commented out on some smarty files this line as a temporary fix:
//throw new SmartyException("Unable to read template {$source->type} '{$source->name}'");

The issue is related with custom theme. Default theme does not contain such file

I see it is yes to do with unitheme addon - thanks.

EDIT - No it was a smaller custom addon from another developer overriding all stores/skins, now fixed, thanks.