Show Product Quantity


Is there ay way to make products quantity visible in the product show page, in my store for quantity field i get the values: in stock and out of stock, is there any way that when the product is in stock to have shown also the quantity that is in stock for exmp: Quantity 10?

Thanks in advance

You can go to Settings: Appearance and tick 'Show number of available products'.

You can go to Settings: Appearance and tick 'Show number of available products'.

Yes i have checked this option in appearance but still the number of aviaable products its nor shown, any other idea?

Yes i have checked this option in appearance but still the number of aviaable products its nor shown, any other idea?

Did you clear cache?

Yes i have checked this option in appearance but still the number of aviaable products its nor shown, any other idea?

Do you have multiple stores or use any custom or 3rd party theme?

Thank you very much for the answers, I solved the issue, it was a cache problem i think ;)