Shopping Cart - Excluding Tax Price


I have a product here [url][/url] - when you add this product in the cart, shopping cart displays;

1 - product price including tax

2 - subtotal value Including tax

Can I show excluding excluding tax price and excluding tax sub-total in shopping cart and checkout?

I’ll apprecaite your help.

Kind regards,


Anybody please … that’s one of the last thing I want to make sure before I go with CS Cart…! Any help apprciated [SIZE=“6”]:slight_smile: [/SIZE]

[COLOR=“Red”]*** I have not tested any of this so make sure you backup your files before making changes. ****[/COLOR]

For the product price, in /skins/YOURSKIN/customer/views/checkout/components/cart_items.tpl, change the bits in red from $product.display_price to $product.base_price:

x {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=[B][COLOR="Red"]$product.display_price[/COLOR][/B] span_id="product_price_`$key`" class="sub-price"}

You will likely need to work out the extended price as well but this should get you started.

For the subtotal, try changing $cart.display_subtotal to $cart.pure_subtotal in /skins/YOURSKIN/customer/views/checkout/components/checkout_totals.tpl

  • {$lang.subtotal}:
    {include file="common_templates/price.tpl" value=[B][COLOR="red"]$cart.display_subtotal[/COLOR][/B]}

  • yes it is showing base price (ex. vat ) to be multiplied with quantitiy however can’t get gross total right (base price x qty = gross total) here:

    = {include file=“common_templates/price.tpl” value=$product.display_subtotal span_id=“product_subtotal_$key” class=“price”}

    Just to let you know that Sub Total is sorted now! Thanks


    I think you will need to adjust the calculation the calculation of $product.display_subtotal in /cs20x/core/fn.cart.php. I think you need to make sure ‘price’ is always base price. There may be some code in there that determines whether ‘price’ includes tax or not.


    Very complex file … I couldn’t find where to make changes … are you able to assist me further on this?

    I have no idea if this will work without introducing other issues but you can try commenting out this bit of code in /core/fn.cart.php:

    // Apply taxes to product subtotal
    [B][COLOR="red"]/*[/COLOR][/B] if (!empty($calculated_data['P_' . $k])) {
    foreach ($calculated_data['P_' . $k] as $_k => $v) {
    $cart_products[$k]['taxes'][$_k] = $v;
    if ($taxes[$_k]['price_includes_tax'] != 'Y') {
    $cart_products[$k]['tax_summary']['added'] += $v['tax_subtotal'];
    } else {
    $cart_products[$k]['tax_summary']['included'] += $v['tax_subtotal'];
    $cart_products[$k]['tax_summary']['total'] = $cart_products[$k]['tax_summary']['added'] + $cart_products[$k]['tax_summary']['included'];
    } [B][COLOR="Red"]*/[/COLOR][/B]
