shipping prices displayed on seperate line

In 2.0.14 the shipping description is in a

but the price is in this seperate

on the line below it.

I’m looking at shipping_rates.tpl, and if I write something in there, it shows up. But blockquote isn’t listed there at all.

This is the code:

[QUOTE] {foreach from=$shipping_rates key=“shipping_id” item=“s_rate”}

{$} {if $s_rate.delivery_time}({$s_rate.delivery_time}){/if} - {if $s_rate.rates|@array_sum}{include file=“common_templates/price.tpl” value=$s_rate.rates|@array_sum}{else}{$lang.free_shipping}{/if}




But it shows up in
after that p. But the word test shows up after the blockquote.

How can I get it on a single line?

And I don’t think I noticed the blockquotes all over before. What are they? They seem to be generated:

smacks forhead

After looking at the blockquote image, I realized it was because design mode was enabled. Fixed.