Shipping Methods Not Appearing (2.0.7)

I’m trying to test an order going through my 2.0.7 cart and it’s not working. I have all the same shipping methods, locations, etc set up as prior to 2.0.7 upgrade yet I can’t get any shipping options to appear for selection.

Is anyone else having a problem in 2.0.7?

I am receiving the message:

Unfortunately no shipping options are available for your location.

Please contact us and we will see about delivering to you.

I have a manual shipping option that should work even if USPS and UPS don’t work.

I have checked everything and am very frustrated. The only thing I haven’t done is delete them and start from scratch but I may just try that and see if that works.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Never mind…finally got it working. I guess I didn’t check everything…oh well, user error.

[quote name=‘scase’]Never mind…finally got it working. I guess I didn’t check everything…oh well, user error.[/QUOTE]

What did you do to fix it? Same user error and I can’t find mine :mrgreen:

Mine was quite dumb…of all the products I chose, the one I used happened to be one that didn’t have any weight assigned to it. :rolleyes:

Have you checked all your shipping settings to make sure you don’t have any overlap with locations (cannot have a state in more than one location)?

Good luck!
