Reviews in Grid View

In 2.08, I wish to show the star rating in the grid view, like it is shown in the list view, however I cannot seem to find the code. Where is the code hidden?

If anyone needs to do this just edit skins/[skin_name]/customer/addons/discussion/hooks/products/prices_block.pre.tpl


{if !$simple}
{include file="addons/discussion/views/discussion/components/average_rating.tpl" object_id=$product.product_id object_type="P"}


{include file="addons/discussion/views/discussion/components/average_rating.tpl" object_id=$product.product_id object_type="P"}

I found some of skins uses

skins/[skin_name]/customer/addons/discussion/hooks/products/data_block.pre.tpl instead of prices_block.pre.tpl…funny!!!