Resize Thumbnail Size Of Gallery Images On Single Product Pages

Sure seems like it would be easier for cs-cart to have a thumbnail setting for "product alternate image thumbnails" and then just apply that setting where it needs to be in the templates (width and height). It would take less than an hour for them to do it and build it into the cart than the countless hours merchants/developers spend doing it with hooks/overrides and updating forum posts to account for newer versions.... Maybe the keyword Imac will help!

Hi again

I mention this on the last post. 1st part is for big picture templtate and second part for default

For the default template you need to activate your My changes addon and create in the addons folder of your theme this path and file

responsive / templates / addons / my_changes / hooks / products / image_wrap.override.tpl

The image_wrap.override.tpl should have these lines

 {if !$no_images}
                        {assign var="discount_label" value="discount_label_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`"}
                        {$smarty.capture.$discount_label nofilter}

                         {include file="views/products/components/product_images.tpl" product=$product show_detailed_link="Y"  thumbnails_size=85 image_width=$settings.Thumbnails.product_details_thumbnail_width image_height=$settings.Thumbnails.product_details_thumbnail_height}

You need to change the thumbnails_size=85 to whatever you like (its in the third line from the bottom somewhere in the middle)

Hello Dvsgr, thank you for sharing your coding experience with us newbies.

Do you know if this work on 4.8.2.SP2?

Yes, I enabled add-on, added file correctly increasing to size 100 (so that I could notice the change), and cleaned cache, but mini thumbnail stays the same size. I used the default template for regular responsive theme.

Sorry guys, my bad :(

I was copying local my_changes directory to wrong path in server.

All is working fine, thank you everyone!