Report On Wishlist And Add To Cart

Want to create a report to know the following:

  1. list of distinct products/Category are added the most to a cart ?
  2. list of distinct products/category are added to wishlist ?

Can some one provide info on which tables will have this data?

You can check this table: cscart_user_session_products

It seems this data keeps on getting deleted , how can we store it for a longer time for analytics purpose or may be insert the same data in a separate table for querying purpose. This way it wont add much load on the system as well.

It seems this data keeps on getting deleted , how can we store it for a longer time for analytics purpose or may be insert the same data in a separate table for querying purpose. This way it wont add much load on the system as well.

Try to increase the value of the SESSIONS_STORAGE_ALIVE_TIME setting in the config.php file:

// Sessions storage live time
define('SESSIONS_STORAGE_ALIVE_TIME',  SECONDS_IN_DAY * 7 * 2); // 2 weeks