Replace Thumbnails Via Ftp


I have collected images from location: /public_html/images/product/XX (where XX is number from 1-500) and added watermark, however I want to uploaded all images to one location: /public_html/images/thumbnails - how can I change it in one time? In database I can't see any path. I can't replace files. I need only create new path for all existing thumbnails.

Please find here how the directory number is calculated


I think it's different case. Image_id is unique for each photo. Some folders have few images some hundreds. I don't know why it's unintuitive. I can't find any correlation between images and id.

Okey. I got it. I will try to write a script and keep previous structure. It will be complicate to edit.


I think it's different case. Image_id is unique for each photo. Some folders have few images some hundreds. I don't know why it's unintuitive. I can't find any correlation between images and id.

Right, but directory name is calculated with special formula which takes into account image_id