Removing Shopping Cart Status for Homepage Only


I’m working on the site located at, and was hoping for a way to remove the shopping card status above my slideshow block.

Any ideas?




Lines 43~60

Change from ```php

{include file="views/checkout/components/cart_status.tpl"}

{if $localizations|sizeof > 1}
{include file="common_templates/select_object.tpl" style="graphic" link_tpl=$config.current_url|fn_link_attach:"lc=" items=$localizations selected_id=$smarty.const.CART_LOCALIZATION display_icons=false key_name="localization" text=$lang.localization}


{if $languages|sizeof > 1}
{include file="common_templates/select_object.tpl" style="graphic" link_tpl=$config.current_url|fn_link_attach:"sl=" items=$languages selected_id=$smarty.const.CART_LANGUAGE display_icons=true key_name="name" language_var_name="sl"}


{if $currencies|sizeof > 1}
{include file="common_templates/select_object.tpl" style="graphic" link_tpl=$config.current_url|fn_link_attach:"currency=" items=$currencies selected_id=$secondary_currency display_icons=false key_name="description"}




{include file="views/checkout/components/cart_status.tpl"}

{if $localizations|sizeof > 1}
{include file="common_templates/select_object.tpl" style="graphic" link_tpl=$config.current_url|fn_link_attach:"lc=" items=$localizations selected_id=$smarty.const.CART_LOCALIZATION display_icons=false key_name="localization" text=$lang.localization}


{if $languages|sizeof > 1}
{include file="common_templates/select_object.tpl" style="graphic" link_tpl=$config.current_url|fn_link_attach:"sl=" items=$languages selected_id=$smarty.const.CART_LANGUAGE display_icons=true key_name="name" language_var_name="sl"}


{if $currencies|sizeof > 1}
{include file="common_templates/select_object.tpl" style="graphic" link_tpl=$config.current_url|fn_link_attach:"currency=" items=$currencies selected_id=$secondary_currency display_icons=false key_name="description"}



Thanks for your help Jesse! That did the trick… but now I just have to figure it out for just the homepage. I’m thinking I may clone top.tpl and create a top-index.tpl…

Thanks again.

{if $controller == ‘index’ && $mode == ‘index’}

you’re on home page


you’re not on home page


For your case specifically, change the opening comment mark that Jesse gave you to:

{if $controller != ‘index’ || $mode != ‘index’}

and then change the closing comment to


Thanks for your help! You guys are great!

Actually, probably don’t need the $mode portion of the if statement. Only need it to be


{if $controller == ‘index’ }

Home page code here


Non-home page code here


[quote name='tbirnseth' timestamp='1307816379' post='114771']

{if $controller == 'index' && $mode == 'index'}

you're on home page


you're not on home page


For your case specifically, change the opening comment mark that Jesse gave you to:

{if $controller != 'index' || $mode != 'index'}

and then change the closing comment to



This is what I thought. But my wishlist, promotions page still detected as home. I really dont know why. Does anyone know?