Remove Supplier From Invoice

A few days ago I made two suppliers and connected all the products to the relevant supplier. However doing this resulted in the suppliername being shown on the invoice! Obviously this is not a wanted effect of using suppliers..

In the screenshot you can see it now says: "Verzending: Voorraad", which means: "Shipment: {suppliername}"

I tried removing:

{if $oi.product_options}
{include file="common/options_info.tpl" product_options=$oi.product_options}{/if}

but that didnt help.


A few days ago I made two suppliers and connected all the products to the relevant supplier. However doing this resulted in the suppliername being shown on the invoice! Obviously this is not a wanted effect of using suppliers..

In the screenshot you can see it now says: "Verzending: Voorraad", which means: "Shipment: {suppliername}"

I tried removing:

{if $oi.product_options}
{include file="common/options_info.tpl" product_options=$oi.product_options}{/if}

but that didnt help.

Comment everything in design/backend/mail/templates/addons/suppliers/hooks/orders/ file.


that worked!