Remove Product Filters?

I want to remove the product sorting filters…how is this done? Thanks in advance. I did a search on the forums and came up with nothing.

Disable or delete your Product Filters under Catalog | Product Filters in the Admin Panel.


When I go there it just says “No data found.”

Are you talking about Product Filters? Or Sort By links on the catalog pages?

The first one is controlled under Catalog | Product Filters, the second one you will need to delete the sort code from the tpl file.

I was talking about sort by links on the catalog pages. I want to remove them for SEO purposes. I’ll have a look at the tpl file and see what’s up. Thanks. Just thought there might be an easier way.

I see that the sort links have “nofollow” on them. Pity Google isn’t using that any more.

There’s a “sorting.tpl” which contains the code for the sorting feature. How do I get it to stop pulling that template in to the page?

The easiest thing to do is to comment out the links in /skins/YOURSKIN/customer/views/products/components/sorting.tpl:


[COLOR=“Red”]{*[/COLOR] {if $settings.DHTML.customer_ajax_based_pagination == “Y”}

{assign var=“ajax_class” value=“cm-ajax”}


{assign var=“curl” value=$config.current_url|fn_query_remove:“sort_by”:“sort_order”:“result_ids”}

{$lang.product}{if $search.sort_by == "product"} {if $search.sort_order == "asc"}{else}{/if}{/if}
{$lang.price}{if $search.sort_by == "price"} {if $search.sort_order == "asc"}{else}{/if}{/if}


Interestingly, the includes to sorting.tpl in products.tpl., products_multicolumns.tpl and products_small_list.tpl are each wrapped with a no_sorting condition but I have not found where the condition is set.


Bob, commenting out doesn’t work.

Bob, TOTALLY REMOVING “sorting.tpl” from the server doesn’t work.

What is going on here? I’ve totally removed “sorting.tpl” from the /skins/artificial_casting/customer/views/products/components/ folder, and still the sorting is there on the product listing pages.

Any other ideas…anyone?

[quote name=‘kingsleypress’]Bob, commenting out doesn’t work.

Bob, TOTALLY REMOVING “sorting.tpl” from the server doesn’t work.

What is going on here? I’ve totally removed “sorting.tpl” from the /skins/artificial_casting/customer/views/products/components/ folder, and still the sorting is there on the product listing pages.

Any other ideas…anyone?[/QUOTE]

Are you sure it is not cache what you see, run this from admin panel


Ha! Darius you got it!

I never even thought about cache.

That removed it. Thanks!

BTW, what does “admin.php?dispatch=categories.manage&cc” do exactly?

[quote name=‘kingsleypress’]Ha! Darius you got it!

I never even thought about cache.

That removed it. Thanks!

BTW, what does “admin.php?dispatch=categories.manage&cc” do exactly?[/QUOTE]

&cc - clear cache I suppose