Remove Filter Data from Description

I use filters as my Sidebar so it’s easier for customers to search my site, but it adds the results of the filter to the description for each item. How do I remove it?

Attached screenshot


In /skins/YOURSKIN/customer/blocks/list_templates/products_list.tpl, remove the part in red:

[B][COLOR="Red"]{assign var="product_features" value="product_features_`$obj_id`"}{$smarty.capture.$product_features}[/COLOR][/B] {assign var="prod_descr" value="prod_descr_`$obj_id`"}{$smarty.capture.$prod_descr}


You can change this without modding the code.

In Catalog->Product features, uncheck ‘Catalog pages’.


[quote name=‘jobosales’]You can change this without modding the code.

In Catalog->Product features, uncheck ‘Catalog pages’.


Thanks for the tip