Remove Credit Card Field Button


On mobile devices in Internet Explorer (maybe other browsers as well) during checkout in the Billing Options area, there is an " X " in the credit card field that I would like to remove - it functions to clear the CC numbers entered. See image. How can the "X" be removed or hidden? Thanks!

I already removed the credit card icons as they did get in the way of seeing the credit card numbers on mobile and small screens, which is a functional issue, so they had to go... :)

Here is the code I used in the Custom CSS area to hide the credit card icons in the Card number field (Theme->Theme editor->CUSTOMIZE (Custom CSS option) )

.ty-cc-icons__icon.default,,, .ty-cc-icons__icon.mastercard, .ty-cc-icons__icon.maestro, .ty-cc-icons__icon.american-express, {
visibility: hidden;
