Remove categories on top when using product filter


When a customer clicks on a product filter, the result is show below the categories. For the shows we build we use category images. Then the result is shown below alle the images of the categories. For a customer this is unclear while it seems that nothing happens when using the product filter. Does anybody know how to not show the categories but only the filter results in the middle column central content. I added the url of a product search so you can see what happens: If you scroll below the catogory images you see the result of the query. [url=“”][/url] The categories should nog show. Anybody knows how?

Thanks in advance.


in the “view.tpl” file located in the “skins/[CUSTOMER_ACTIVE_SKIN]/customer/views/categories”

you need to add:

{if !$smarty.request.features_hash}

just before


{if $category_data.main_pair}

{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" show_detailed_link=true images=$category_data.main_pair object_type="category" no_ids=true class="cm-thumbnails"}


and after

{if $subcategories|count < 6}





If you are using subcategory thumbnails addon, add it to the view.tpl that will be under hooks/categories

This is the view override that I tested for cs-cart 3. If I put the code in the view (v3. for 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 it works fine) the products will not show. Can anyone tell me where to put the modification so that products will show with product filter and without the categories on top. I use the subcategory thumbnails addon. If I put in the code in 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 it willremove the categories but then, if you are in a category, the image of the category will show again. What do I do wrong?

The following code is from the view.override.tpl file


{if $subcategories or $category_data.description || $category_data.main_pair}

{split data=$subcategories size=$columns|default:“2” assign=“splitted_subcategories”}

{math equation=“floor(100/x)” x=$columns|default:“2” assign=“cell_width”}

{if $category_data.description && $category_data.description != “”}



{if !$smarty.request.features_hash}

{if $category_data.main_pair}

{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" show_detailed_link=true images=$category_data.main_pair object_type="detailed_category" no_ids=true class="cm-thumbnails" show_thumbnail="Y" image_width=$settings.Thumbnails.category_details_thumbnail_width image_height=$settings.Thumbnails.category_details_thumbnail_height}

{if $category_data.main_pair.detailed_id}
{include file="common_templates/previewer.tpl"}

{foreach from=$splitted_subcategories item="scats"}

{foreach from=$scats item="category"}
{if $category}



{foreach from=$scats item="category"}
{if $category}




{include file="common_templates/image.tpl" show_detailed_link=false object_type="subcategory" images=$category.main_pair no_ids=true class="cm-thumbnails" image_width=$settings.Thumbnails.category_details_thumbnail_width}


{if $smarty.request.advanced_filter}
{include file="views/products/components/product_filters_advanced_form.tpl" separate_form=true}
{if $products}
{assign var="layouts" value=""|fn_get_products_views:false:0}
{if $category_data.product_columns}
{assign var="product_columns" value=$category_data.product_columns}
{assign var="product_columns" value=$settings.Appearance.columns_in_products_list}
{if $layouts.$selected_layout.template}
{include file="`$layouts.$selected_layout.template`" columns=`$product_columns`}
{elseif !$subcategories}


{capture name="mainbox_title"}{$category_data.category}{/capture}