remove account signup?


is there a way to completely remove the account sign up or login screen during the checkout? i would also like to know how the checkout can be further customized without necessarily starting to edit the cs-cart software itself … i want to make sure we can keep upgrading our software.



If I’m understanding you correctly you only want “Checkout As Guest” to show up when a person goes to checkout?

If that is correct then edit your checkout_login.tpl and look at this table at the bottom of the .tpl

Make a backup of file before editing

Remove and/or comment parts in red:

Might need a little more adjusting but I think this gives you the right idea.

Replace this:


{assign var='result_ids' value="'sign_io', 'cart_items','checkout_totals','checkout_steps', 'cart_status'"}
{if $settings.Addons.promotions == 'Y'}
{assign var='result_ids' value=$result_ids|cat:",'convenient_promotion'"}
{include file="auth_pages/login.tpl" nothing_extra='Y' form_name='step_one_login_form' form_alias='solf' result_ids=$result_ids checkout_login='Y' on_login_click="solf.callback = function ()$ldelim window.location.hash = '#checkout_top' $rdelim;"}

{if $settings.General.approve_user_profiles != 'Y'}


{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_onclick="fn_switch_checkout_type(true);" but_text=$lang.register}

{if $settings.General.disable_anonymous_checkout != 'Y'}


{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_onclick="fn_switch_checkout_type(false);" but_text=$lang.checkout_as_guest}



[B]With this:[/B]
{assign var='result_ids' value="'sign_io', 'cart_items','checkout_totals','checkout_steps', 'cart_status'"}

{if $settings.Addons.promotions == 'Y'}
{assign var='result_ids' value=$result_ids|cat:",'convenient_promotion'"}
{if $settings.General.disable_anonymous_checkout != 'Y'}


{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_onclick="fn_switch_checkout_type(false);" but_text=$lang.checkout_as_guest}
