Recurring Billing For Subscription Plan


I am looking for a recurring billing/ subscription add on. I can't see it in the marketplace

I want my customers to pay a montly recurent fees which will allow them to sell on the platform.

Please advise.

ok just for those looking for this in the future:

There used to be an add on but it is not supported anymore.

simtech would develop it , and i am waiting on their pricing.

I am a bit disappointed because the membership /recurring economy is massive now, and cs cart used to support the add-on.

and i really thought this was still a feature for some reasons

its a major feature for my website , and i feel the add on is going to cost a fortune ..

This is mostly a function of the payment provider's capabilities. I.e. if they don't support saving cards as tokens and/or you don't store card info on your site (not advised) then there's no way to charge the card without customer interaction (which makes a subsciription nearly useless if the customer has to come back to the site every month to complete an order). I've done subscription addons but they are based on our Squarepay addon which supports saving of card tokens in a secure way so they can be reused when the subscriptions expire.