Quickbooks Iff Export From 4.3.3

[quote name='Magpie Don' timestamp='1438172651' post='224768']

Yes, Intuit has been saying for years that they are moving to XML for imports, and moving away from the IIF file format.

I keep hoping that CS-Cart is paying attention to that and will develop the new format- but it sounds like you just discovered the fact…


Right, see http://forum.cs-cart…post__p__224206

Can not promise any new integrations with Quickbooks right now. First I would like to make IIF export to work fine.

[quote]Could you please indicate ANY method that is designed to Export sales transactions that include Customer, Order and Item data, & Payment data defined by a range of orders like the IIF Export process does. I realize I can Export ALL my orders to a CSV file, but that doesn't do me any good on a daily basis.

How does CS-Cart intend for clients to integrate the sales channel into ANY accounting software?[/quote]

If we are talking about built-in methods there is only Orders Export.

Any import to an accounting software can be done either by CS-Cart add-on that uses core functions or an application that uses CS-Cart API.

Here are the examples of such integrations:



Guys, does anyone uses a “price includes tax” for the TAXES?

Can you please let me know if import to QUICKBOOKS working fine for you or not?

None of my prices include tax. I only collect tax from customers with billing addresses within my own state - so I cannot include tax into the price because 99% of my sales are to customers out-of-state.

With a lot of changes, the import to Quickbooks via IIF has worked without error for 5 years.

In v3 \skins\basic\admin\addons\quickbooks\views\orders\components\export_to_iif.tpl must be modified to work correctly.

In v4 \app\addons\quickbooks\controllers\backend\quickbooks_export.php must be modified to work correctly. I'm still not done editing quickbooks_export.php so I can finalize the upgrade to v4. It still needs to support Reward Points and Gift Certificates.

Changes thus far to quickbooks_export.php v4:


  •   																  *
  • (c) 2004 Vladimir V. Kalynyak, Alexey V. Vinokurov, Ilya M. Shalnev *
  •   																  *
  • This is commercial software, only users who have purchased a valid *
  • license and accept to the terms of the License Agreement can install *
  • and use this program. *
  •   																  *




    use Tygh\Registry;

    if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); }

    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {

    if ($mode == 'export_to_iif') {

    header('Content-type: text/csv');

    header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=orders.iif');

    foreach ($REQUEST['order_ids'] as $k => $v) {

    $orders[$k] = fn_get_order_info($v);


    $order_users = $order_products = array();

    foreach ($orders as $k => $v) {

    $order_users[$v['user_id'] . '
    ' . $v['email']] = $v;

    foreach ($v['products'] as $key => $value) {

    $order_products[$value['cart_id']] = $value;

    if (!empty($value['product_options'])) {

    $selected_options = '; ' . __('product_options') . ': ';

    foreach ($value['product_options'] as $option) {

    $selected_options .= “$option[option_name]: $option[variant_name];”;


    $order_products[$value['cart_id']]['selected_options'] = $selected_options;




    $export = fn_quickbooks_export($orders, $order_users, $order_products);





    function fn_quickbooks_export($orders, $order_users, $order_products)


    $export = array();

    fn_quickbooks_export_header ($export);

    fn_quickbooks_export_customers($order_users, $export);

    fn_quickbooks_export_orders($orders, $order_products, $export);

    fn_quickbooks_export_payments($orders, $export);

    fn_quickbooks_export_products($orders, $order_products, $export); /

    return implode(“\r\n”, $export);


    function fn_quickbooks_export_header (&$export)


    $export[] = “!HDR\tPROD\tVER\tREL\tIIFVER\tDATE\tTIME\tACCNTNT\tACCNTNTSPLITTIME\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t”;

    $export[] = “HDR\tQuickBooks: Premier Manufacturing and Wholesale Edition\tVersion 20.0D\tRelease R17P\t1\t6/30/2014\t1404118800\tN\t0\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t”;

    return true;


    function fn_quickbooks_export_customers($order_users, &$export)



    foreach ($order_users as $order) {

    $order['title'] = !empty($order['title']) ? $order['title'] : '';

    if ($order['b_state'] == “OH”) {

    $cust = “CUST\t%s, %s\t%s %s\t%s %s\t%s\t"%s, %s"\t%s\t%s %s\t%s %s\t%s\t"%s, %s"\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s, %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\tY\tTax\tOhio Sales Tax”;

    } else {

    $cust = “CUST\t%s, %s\t%s %s\t%s %s\t%s\t"%s, %s"\t%s\t%s %s\t%s %s\t%s\t"%s, %s"\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s, %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\tN\tNon\t”;


    $export[] = sprintf($cust, $order['lastname'], $order['firstname'], $order['b_firstname'], $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_address'], $order['b_address_2'],

    $order['b_city'], $order['b_state'], $order['b_zipcode'], $order['b_country_descr'], $order['s_firstname'], $order['s_lastname'], $order['s_address'],

    $order['s_address_2'], $order['s_city'], $order['s_state'], $order['s_zipcode'], $order['s_country_descr'], $order['phone'], $order['fax'], $order['email'],

    $order['lastname'], $order['b_firstname'], $order['title'], $order['company'], $order['firstname'], $order['lastname']



    $export[] = '';

    return true;


    DO NOT USE Export Products START

    function fn_quickbooks_export_products($orders, $order_products, &$export)



    $invitem = “INVITEM\t%s\tINVENTORY\t%s%s\t%s%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%01.2f\t0\tN”;

    $accnt_product = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.accnt_product');

    $accnt_asset = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.accnt_asset');

    $accnt_cogs = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.accnt_cogs');

    foreach ($order_products as $product) {

    $product_select_options = !empty($product['selected_options']) ? $product['selected_options'] : '';

    $product_name = !empty($product['product_code']) ? $product['product_code'] : $product['product_id'];

    $export[] = sprintf($invitem, $product_name, $product['product'], $product_select_options, $product['product'],

    $product_select_options, $accnt_product, $accnt_asset, $accnt_cogs, $product['price']



    fn_set_hook('quickbooks_export_items', $orders, $invitem, $export);

    $export[] = '';

    return true;


    DO NOT USE Export Products END */

    function fn_quickbooks_export_orders($orders, $order_products, &$export)




    $export[] = “!ENDTRNS\t”;

    $trns = “TRNS\tINVOICE\t%s\tAccounts Receivable\t%s, %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\tWebsite Order: %s\t%s %s\t%s %s\t"%s, %s %s"\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\t%s %s\t%s %s\t"%s, %s %s"\t%s\t\tN”;

    $spl = “SPL\tINVOICE\t%s\t%s\t%s, %s\t%s\t%01.2f\t%d\t%s%s\t%01.2f\t%d\t%s\tY\tTax\t%s”;

    $accnt_product = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.accnt_product');

    $accnt_tax = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.accnt_tax');

    $accnt_shipping = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.accnt_shipping');

    $accnt_discount = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.accnt_discount');

    $accnt_surcharge = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.accnt_surcharge');

    $trns_class = Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.trns_class');

    foreach ($orders as $order) {

    $order_details = str_replace(array(“\r\n”, “\n”, “\r”, “\t”), " ", $order['details']);

    $order_date = fn_date_format($order['timestamp'], “%m/%d/%Y”);

    $product_subtotal = 0;

    if ($order['status'] == “P” || $order['status'] == “C”) {

    $order_paid = 'Y';

    } else {

    $order_paid = 'N';


    if ($order['shipping_cost'] > 0) {

    $shipping_names = array();

    foreach ($order['shipping'] as $ship) {

    $shipping_names[] = $ship['shipping'];



    $order['s_countryname'] = $order['s_country'];

    $order['b_countryname'] = $order['b_country'];

    $export[] = sprintf($trns, $order_date, $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_firstname'],

    Registry::get('addons.quickbooks.trns_class'), $order['total'], $order['order_id'], $order_details,

    $order['b_firstname'], $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_address'], $order['b_address_2'], $order['b_city'], $order['b_state'],

    $order['b_zipcode'], $order['b_country_descr'], $order_paid, implode('; ', $shipping_names), $order['s_firstname'], $order['s_lastname'],

    $order['s_address'], $order['s_address_2'], $order['s_city'], $order['s_state'], $order['s_zipcode'], $order['s_country_descr']



    foreach ($order['products'] as $product) {

    $product_id = $product['cart_id'];

    $product_subtotal = $product['price'] * $product['amount'];

    $product_select_options = !empty($order_products[$product_id]['selected_options']) ? $order_products[$product_id]['selected_options'] : '';

    if ($order_products[$product_id]['product_code']) {

    $product_code = $order_products[$product_id]['product_code'];

    } else {

    $product_code = $order_products[$product_id]['product_id'];


    $export[] = sprintf($spl, $order_date, $accnt_product, $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_firstname'], $trns_class,

    -$product_subtotal, $order['order_id'], $order_products[$product_id]['product'],

    $product_select_options, $product['price'], -$product['amount'], $product_code, ''



    fn_set_hook('quickbooks_export_order', $order, $order_products, $spl, $export);

    // ********** DISCOUNT

    $spl_d = “SPL\tINVOICE\t%s\t%s\t%s, %s\t%s\t%01.2f\t%d\t%s%s\t%01.2f\t%d\t%s\tN\tNon\t%s”;

    if ($order['subtotal_discount'] > 0) {

    $export[] = sprintf($spl_d, $order_date, $accnt_discount, $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_firstname'], $trns_class,

    $order['subtotal_discount'], $order['order_id'], 'Order Discount', '', -$order['subtotal_discount'], -1, 'DISCOUNT', '', '','');




    {if $order.points_info.in_use.cost > 0}

    {assign var=“rewards_item” value=“POINTS USED”}

    {assign var=“rewards_desc” value=“Reward Points Redeemed”}

    {assign var=“rewards_acct” value=“Sales Discounts:Reward Points Discounts”}

    SPL{$_d}INVOICE{$_d}{$order.timestamp|date_format:“%m/%d/%Y”}{$_d}{$rewards_acct}{$_d}{$order.b_lastname}, {$order.b_firstname}{$_d}{$addons.quickbooks.trns_class}{$_d}{$order.points_info.in_use.cost}{$_d}{$order.order_id}{$_d}{$rewards_desc}{$_d}-{$order.points_info.in_use.cost}{$_d}-1{$_d}{$rewards_item}{$_d}N{$_d}





    {hook name=“quickbooks:export_gift_certificates”}{/hook}




    {hook name=“quickbooks:export_payments”}{/hook}


    // ********* SHIPPING **********

    $spl_s = “SPL\tINVOICE\t%s\t%s\t%s, %s\t%s\t%01.2f\t%d\t%s%s\t%01.2f\t%d\t%s\tN\tNon\t%s”;

    if ($order['shipping_cost'] > 0) {

    $shipping_names = array();

    foreach ($order['shipping'] as $ship) {

    $shipping_names[] = $ship['shipping'];


    $shipping_cost = fn_order_shipping_cost($order);

    $export[] = sprintf($spl_s, $order_date, $accnt_shipping, $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_firstname'], $trns_class,

    -$shipping_cost, $order['order_id'], implode('; ', $shipping_names), '', $shipping_cost, -1, 'SHIPPING','','','');


    // ********* SURCHARGE **********}

    if ($order['payment_surcharge'] > 0) {

    $export[] = sprintf($spl, $order_date, $accnt_surcharge, $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_firstname'],

    $trns_class, -$order['payment_surcharge'], $order['order_id'], 'Payment processor surcharge', '', $order['payment_surcharge'], -1, 'SURCHARGE', '');


    // ********** AUTO TAX ************

    $spl_t = “SPL\tINVOICE\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%01.2f\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%01.2f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s”;

    if (!$order['taxes']) {

    $export[] = sprintf($spl_t, $order_date, $accnt_tax, $tax_data['description'], $trns_class, 0, $order['order_id'], $tax_data['description'], '', '', 'Out of State', 'N', '', 'AUTOTAX');

    } else {

    foreach ($order['taxes'] as $tax_data) {

    if ($tax_data['price_includes_tax'] == 'N') {

    $export[] = sprintf($spl_t, $order_date, $accnt_tax, $tax_data['description'], $trns_class, -$tax_data['tax_subtotal'], $order['order_id'], $tax_data['description'], '8%', $tax_data['tax_subtotal'], $tax_data['description'], 'N', '', 'AUTOTAX');




    $export[] = “ENDTRNS\t”;


    $export[] = '';

    return true;


    function fn_quickbooks_export_payments($orders, &$export)


    $exists_order_complete = false;

    $payments = array();



    $payments[] = “!ENDTRNS\t”;

    $trns = “TRNS\tPAYMENT\t%s\tUndeposited Funds\t"%s, %s"\t%01.2f\t%s\t%d”;

    $spl = “SPL\tPAYMENT\t%s\tAccounts Receivable\t"%s, %s"\t%01.2f\t%d”;

    foreach ($orders as $order) {

    if ($order['status'] == 'P' || $order['status'] == 'C' || $order.status == “B”) {

    $order_date = fn_date_format($order['timestamp'], “%m/%d/%Y”);

    $payments[] = sprintf($trns, $order_date, $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_firstname'], $order['total'], $order['payment_method']['payment'], $order['order_id']);

    $payments[] = sprintf($spl, $order_date, $order['b_lastname'], $order['b_firstname'], -$order['total'], $order['order_id']);

    $payments[] = “ENDTRNS\t”;

    $exists_order_complete = true;



    if ($exists_order_complete) {

    $payments[] = '';

    $export = array_merge($export, $payments);


    return true;



    Those changes include a few in-line hard coded variables that are not included in the addons administration page that were set up like this in v3:

{assign var="discount_item" value="DISCOUNT"}
{assign var="discount_desc" value="Order Discount"}
{assign var="tax_state" value="OH"}
{assign var="tax_agency" value="Ohio Sales Tax"}
{if !$order.taxes}
{assign var="tax_agency_exempt" value="Out of State"}
{assign var="rewards_item" value="POINTS USED"}
{assign var="rewards_desc" value="Reward Points Redeemed"}
{assign var="rewards_acct" value="Sales Discounts:Reward Points Discounts"}

Don, I know they're working it… they sent me a new file to try and it didnt' work so i sent a screenshot of the on screen error message.

It said:

" The tax field cannot be left blank, even for non-taxable customers and sales which have no taxable items, so non-taxable sales will be correct for this district."

[quote name='Magpie Don' timestamp='1438690098' post='225548']

[color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]In v4 \app\addons\quickbooks\controllers\backend\quickbooks_export.php must be modified to work correctly. I'm still not done editing quickbooks_export.php so I can finalize the upgrade to v4. It still needs to support Reward Points and Gift Certificates.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Changes thus far to quickbooks_export.php v4:[/font][/color]


I will try to summarize your changes comparing to default behavior.

  1. You added headers with Quickbooks version - can you please let me know if this information is critical, why did you add this?
  2. You do not use export of products, why? May be we should add an option in Quickbooks add-on settings for this?
  3. You added “tSALESTAXCODE” for orders, What is it for? You just use “Tax” for this.
  4. You added shipping names to orders. No questions here.
  5. You aded “tTAXABLE\tSALESTAXCODE\tTAXITEM” tax properties for customer, and harcoded the tax for Ohio. I suppose this required because of the customer location? Do you have a configure Sales Tax Ohio in CS-Cart?

    Can you please provide you comments on the questions above? I see that Matthew uses items (products) import, and do not add extra tax fields for orders and customers (points 3 & 5)

Looks like we have a good fix for the tax export issue and the export from custom status' where the payments weren't being exported. Ilya has been great to work with and he sent me revised files and asked questions every day to track this down.

I have to say that my faith in CS-Cart has been restored in that at least Ilya cares. I'll leave it to him to decide on what to do next with the tweeked export to quickbooks file.

Magpie Don: I hope he has been working with you as well on addressing your issues.

Matt Caswell


[quote name='Magpie Don' timestamp='1438690098' post='225548']

None of my prices include tax. I only collect tax from customers with billing addresses within my own state - so I cannot include tax …


Magpie Don, Can you please take a look at my previous message, we have found a solution for Matthew, and I'm going to include this to default package, but I'm sure there are some other improvements we can add.

[quote name='imac' timestamp='1439793009' post='226893']

Magpie Don, Can you please take a look at my previous message, we have found a solution for Matthew, and I'm going to include this to default package, but I'm sure there are some other improvements we can add.


What's the possibility that you can offer this most recent version for me to try?

imac, I've been out of town. I'll see if I can't address some of your questions next week.

What's the possibility that you can offer this most recent version for me to try?

You can try it. Just replace the file app/addons/quickbooks/controllers/backend/quickbooks_export.php with one from the attachment. Please post your feedback here so I can add some updates or improvements.


What 3rd party software are you using may I ask?

For right now we use writeitonce.com, but we are unsure how much longer we are going to. Beyond never updating their website they never update their software. It is basic but gets the job done. Up until this year they were pretty reasonable but they doubled their prices so that was kind of a turn off too. As we have converted several of our CS sites and will continue to do more we don't know how much longer we will use writeitonce.com either. The part we liked is you were basically able to download a file from anywhere and they would create a file to allow you to import it in to their software and then in return put it in to Quickbooks. The other nice part was their software didn't require us to edit every downloaded file like Don is suggesting we do with the file from CS-Cart. Since I am paying employees who are not always savvy on using Excel I kind of need something that works as it should.

On edition 4.3 CS-Cart did change something in the .csv file that was exported so at that point writeitonce.com no longer works properly. We have not decided if we are going to upgrade those sites any longer so we are not for sure if we are going to upgrade the writeitonce.com program either.

You can try it. Just replace the file app/addons/quickbooks/controllers/backend/quickbooks_export.php with one from the attachment. Please post your feedback here so I can add some updates or improvements.

Imac, what version is this file intended for? Also, does it fix the but that deletes the cost of products in Quickbooks?

Imac, what version is this file intended for? Also, does it fix the but that deletes the cost of products in Quickbooks?

clips, it should work fine with 4.3.x

Unfortunately I don't understand what you mean by "does it fix the but that deletes the cost of products in Quickbooks?"

You can try it. Just replace the file app/addons/quickbooks/controllers/backend/quickbooks_export.php with one from the attachment. Please post your feedback here so I can add some updates or improvements.

I cant find the quickbooks export option in v4.2.4 ? How do you enable it ?

clips, it should work fine with 4.3.x

Unfortunately I don't understand what you mean by "does it fix the but that deletes the cost of products in Quickbooks?"

We are still unsure if we are going to upgrade to version 4.3.x and right now we still have a couple of sites using 4.2.x. So we won't install it.

The main reason we stopped using your Quickbooks export file was because it deletes the "cost" associated with each product inside of Quickbooks. I worked with your support some time ago but they never could figure out why. Needless to say, deleting the cost on all of our products was quite the pain in the neck.

I cant find the quickbooks export option in v4.2.4 ? How do you enable it ?

This is an add-on. You can find it at Add-ons -> Manage Addons. After installation you will be able download iff file from the Orders Manage page.

We are still unsure if we are going to upgrade to version 4.3.x and right now we still have a couple of sites using 4.2.x. So we won't install it.

The main reason we stopped using your Quickbooks export file was because it deletes the "cost" associated with each product inside of Quickbooks. I worked with your support some time ago but they never could figure out why. Needless to say, deleting the cost on all of our products was quite the pain in the neck.

Probably this is somehow depends on your Quickbooks version or configuration. Have not heard about any other complains regarding this.

Probably this is somehow depends on your Quickbooks version or configuration. Have not heard about any other complains regarding this.

No worries. I really didn't expect it to be fixed anyway. I've kind of given up on it and not taken you serious when you talk about trying to "fix" Quickbooks. We have complained about it for YEARS but CS-Cart has always been in denial and ignored it. It didn't work when we used a standard version of Quickbooks pro and it doesn't work now that we use Quickbooks Enterprise. Others just say they edit your file in order to import. Your team has acknowledged the bug and they don't know what to do. Tickets in our help desk about it. It is all over the forums but you still deny. For you to say you have "not heard about any other complains regarding this" is totally not accurate and it is documented right in your own forums by people other than myself. My guess is CS-Cart needs to use Quickbooks for real and not in a fake setting. Not for sure.

Here are just a few examples:


Suggested but denied in uservoice even though it still has 56 "votes" which I don't think any are mine. https://cscart.uservoice.com/forums/134344-cs-cart/suggestions/1294651-fix-the-bugs-in-quickbooks


At one point I had purchased an add on from Snorocket that added the cost to CS-Cart so it would then export correctly and not delete or zero out the cost. http://forum.cs-cart.com/topic/21610-quickbooks/

Some place where another user not only acknowledges the error, but shows where the cost is exported... http://forum.cs-cart.com/topic/9419-if-i-may-rant-a-little-bit-re-quickbooks/

Magpie Don, on 27 Jul 2015 - 10:15 AM, said:

You can prevent CS-Cart's QB export from including Products. Or if you must include the Products during importing, you do not need to import the COST field. I completely removed the importing of Products from the CS-Cart script. All my products are ALREADY set up in QB, so there is no need to import them again. Over two years ago, I suggested to CS-Cart that they remove the Export of Products from the Export of Orders and maybe make it a separate process for those who need it.

From this post by Don it sounds like CS-Cart is trying to set up all of the products we export in the .iif file in to Quickbooks which is what is deleting the cost. Don also says he has also suggested that you remove this part. So again, it is a function of something that CS-Cart is putting in to the export file that messes up the settings in Quickbooks.


I"m just a small time embroidery business and don't use Quickbooks to it's fullest so I have no answer for your question that you sent me. Since I wasn't addressing it with Imac, I'm sure nothing was done. Please don't give up on him just yet as he was VERY active in resolving the tax issue for me even though I had asked about this in the past.

Now I just need to be able to use a common inventory for my products.. ie: specific color hat that can be purchased with various embroidery on it needs to pull inventory from that specific color and allow multiple products to do the same, but that will never happen cause I'm the only squeaky wheel on that.

ie: Blue hat product with letter A on it.. pulls from blue hat inventory

blue hat product with letter B on it.. pulls from the same blue hat inventory.