Quick Search In Wrong Place... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello all,

Quick search is in the wrong place on my website… take a look.


It needs to be directly under the search bar… not floating in the upper right of the screen.


Part of your problem is with a style in your style sheet.

In your styles.css on line 2171 you have:

.qsearch-result {
left: auto !important;
margin-top: 20px;
right: 0;
top: 0 !important;

That is overwriting what your quick search is trying to do. If you remove those styles you will be a step closer.

Also have you modified your addons/quick_search/js/func.js file? For some reason it doesn’t look like the left distance thing is being pulled up correctly.

Hope that helps a little bit.


[quote name=‘brandonvd’]Part of your problem is with a style in your style sheet.

In your styles.css on line 2171 you have:

.qsearch-result {
left: auto !important;
margin-top: 20px;
right: 0;
top: 0 !important;

That is overwriting what your quick search is trying to do. If you remove those styles you will be a step closer.

Also have you modified your addons/quick_search/js/func.js file? For some reason it doesn’t look like the left distance thing is being pulled up correctly.

Hope that helps a little bit.


Thanks, but nope, i havent edited anything yet… thats why im confused in it’s odd behavior.

looks ok to me in chrome , you may have fixed it.