Quantity Input Box Appearing for Out of Stock Items

I am setting up a 2.0.7 store and noticed (maybe a bug?) for “out of stock” items.

If an item without options is out of stock, the Quantity box still appears although the Add to Cart button does not appear. I want the Quantity box to disappear if an item is out of stock.

I have an item with options that has one option out of stock and both the Quantity box and Add to Cart button are gone from the page. That is much less confusing for customers.

Does anyone know what code I should comment out? Or should this be submitted as a bug in Bug Tracker?

I would think that no matter if an item has options or not, the Quantity box and the Add to Cart button should not appear on the Product Details page.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.



Report it in the Bug Tracker.
