Promotions Discounts

Is there a way to offer a promotion cart subtotal discount but so products that were affected by quantity discount or list price / price discount would be skipped, ignored ?

You'd probably have to do a hook to get this type of conditional bonus. If your discounts were by promotion, you could always set the "stop processing" checkbox to prevent further promotion calculation for those promotions.

If I have a product that has say

qty 1 - 10$

2 - 9$

5 - 8$

So I do not want some cart subtotal promotion to be applied to any qty 1+ price

You'd probably have to do a hook to get this type of conditional bonus. If your discounts were by promotion, you could always set the "stop processing" checkbox to prevent further promotion calculation for those promotions.

Isn't there a quantity condition that you can use for NOT? I.e. either Quantity == 1 or Quantity NOT GREATER 1? Would need to be a cart promotion and should update anytime there's a change to the cart.