Promotions And Home Banners Dependency

1. What would be the best and quick way to make banner activation and management depending on the certain promotions?
Let us say every home page main banner represents only one promotion. And in case there is no available banner for promotion then banner behavior depends on default system.
May be to add promotion Id on banner admin page and if promotion is active then banner will be active as well? Also make all banners active by default on banners block home page?
2. What would be the best and quick way to create revolving system for promotions. So, let us say every promo is valid until certain day (also displayed for customers). The idea is to add extra fields which automatically reactivate the same promotion for X number of days. (Only promotions with higher priority can stop them while active)
May be to add the following fields:
a. Checkbox - Auto Revolving promo Yes/No.
b. Checkbox - Once/Always repeat
c. Input field for Number of Days

3. What would be the best and quick way to show up promotion code on product page if cart promotion is active for this particular product.
For example it is possible to connect product with promotion_id but it is not good solution if you have many products.
The system has to check automatically if certain product is a condition for any active cart promotion and returns Promotion code of the one with higher priority. Would it work like this?
All valuable hints, etc... are very welcomed.

I am afraid, it is required to make additional modifications for points #1 and 2. There is no easy way to do it

As for point #3, you can use Promo test field to add necessary data. But this information should be added manually. Note the the Promo text can be exported/ imported

Thanks for comments.

To use promo texts by importing is good if you have to do it only once a year, but if you have 100 promotions and changing daily or weekly, also codes are changing so it becomes really time taking procidure. That is why we are trying to find automatic solution for this.

Thanks for comments.

To use promo texts by importing is good if you have to do it only once a year, but if you have 100 promotions and changing daily or weekly, also codes are changing so it becomes really time taking procidure. That is why we are trying to find automatic solution for this.

In this case, yes. It is required to create special script which will check all active promotions and change database automatically

Thanks for info.