Products In Cateogries Only Showing When You Click Something On Page

Weird one this - just started happening.

If you click a product cateogory it will appear empty.

As soon as you click another button on the page (filters, change view, change page etc) the products will loads as normal.

Use this page as an example - - it will load with no products, as soon as you click something on page that requires another load, the products will display.

Re-Build Cache is turned on - should it be on or off while the site is live?

Hi Sean,

It seems like you recently upgraded your store and your custom theme is broken. As we see the problem is in products_multicolumns.tpl

Best regards,


Any idea how to fix it?

try replacing the products_multicolumn.tpl file from a recent backup, see how that affects…back up the existing one first though

I replaced with both a backed up version as well as version from the 4.3.3 install files. No change

I think it is a compatability issue between the theme and a cs cart. The theme creators say they are working on the 4.3.3 version which will be released soon.

Is there a work around for the interim e.g Can i set the page to default as list view instead of a mulit column?

Please check it on the Settings → Appearance page