Product With 2 Or More Pics Not Show Correct In Grid


We have an issue with products that have 2 or more pictures added.

On grid the products appears but main picture are missing.

If hit quick view all pictures are there.

Anyone had this kind of problem?

v 4.3.2.




Anyone, please

Which browser and version are you using

[quote name='carlyval' timestamp='1435745682' post='221193']


We have an issue with products that have 2 or more pictures added.

On grid the products appears but main picture are missing.

If hit quick view all pictures are there.

Anyone had this kind of problem?

v 4.3.2.




Probably you have problems with Imagick.

Try to change this line in config.local.php file:

'image_resize_lib' => 'auto', // library to resize images - "auto", "gd" or "imagick"

to this:

'image_resize_lib' => 'gd', // library to resize images - "auto", "gd" or "imagick"

related bug report with discussion:

Hi imac,

I just tried this. Still the same problem.


It is not about the browser (firefox, ie, opera, chrome)

If a product has several images, they are displayed in the slider and changed by the jQuery plugin. Looks like there are javascript errors on your website which brake the plugin. Please check